DRESS: Mango(old), similar options Here, Here and I really love this one Here/ SANDALS: Tory Burch Here, more options Here and Here/ HAT: H&M(old), great options Here, Here, Here and Here/ BAG: Etsy Here, more options Here, Here and Here/
These days I'm mixing up posts from pre-holiday and holidays like this one today. This look was taken more than a month ago when the rhododendrons were in full bloom and we enjoyed moments in the garden with the kids. As usual, Caroline and I were the focus of the camera, and there is no surprise we are both wearing pink dresses, because matching is still a thing I can do with her. I could stare at these flowers for hours and I would not get tired! The grandiose bushes make everything even more spectacular and once again this garden delivers it all in one. Hopefully, in one day we will enjoy a picnic spread near these spectacular spring flowers.