 My name is Veronica Popoiacu, originally from Romania, living in USA. 
I have a big passion for ART, FASHION and everything that includes CREATIVITY. My biggest dream is to express myself in as many ways as possible and do what I love. If possible, I wish to inspire other people in a positive way!

Art, fashion, lifestyle and most of all, how I like to incorporate COLORS  in my everyday  outfit !  All these here on BITTERSWEET COLOURS.
                                                                                ENJOY !

13 Comments on Meet me

  1. Anonymous
    2011-08-20 at 04:55

    I am so excited to follow you on your Bittersweet journey:) you clearly know how to mingle beauty with art. excited to follow you and get inspired by your creativity :) good luck, my dear Vera! mwahhh

  2. Alexandra
    2011-08-23 at 05:46

    Awww, I love this blog so far! I grew up in Romania, too – until I was 15. Anyways, love your outfits :)

  3. BullyGrrl
    2011-08-23 at 23:26

    Gorgeous, darling!!! All your outfits are sensational! I love this portrait of you, too!!!! You are an artist of paint and clothing, too! Rock on!

  4. viv b.
    2011-09-03 at 19:52

    are you coming sometimes to Romania? my country is near.. i wish you do.
    i like your creativity&style , i do fashion design , but i’m just at the beginning..
    anyway i would like to see your paintings
    big hug

  5. Veronica Popoiacu
    2011-09-03 at 20:29

    Thank you Viv !!!! maybe in one day we meet each other !!!!!!!!! colorful smiles and hugs for you !!!!!!

  6. Alina T.
    2011-12-28 at 15:27

    Hi Veronica! After watching all your posts I was very curious to see where are you from…because your name sounds very familiar with our Romanian origins :) You have a wonderful, wonderful blog :) Salutari din Bucuresti!!! Kiss Kiss Hug Hug – Alina

  7. Asku.
    2012-03-24 at 18:16

    Eşti absolut superbă!
    M-am uitat la toate postările,sunt fascinată de felul cum te îmbraci,şi chiar am rămas surprinsă să văd că eşti româncă.
    Sper să reuşesc şi eu să mă exprim la fel de bine cu ajutorul hainelor,într-o zi:D
    Xoxo <3

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