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I am another year older, happier, wiser and more grateful for absolutely everything. Most of all this is the year when I will become a mom (any day now as I am already 40 weeks )


Can't wait to start this new chapter of my life...





8 Comments on Birthday Girl

  1. Daniella
    2015-03-18 at 23:53

    Happy birthday lovely Veronica! I hope you have a wonderful day. :)

    Take care,
    Daniella xox

  2. Deb
    2015-03-19 at 03:23

    Wishing you the happiest of birthdays Veronica!!! Hoping you get thoroughly spoilt. Great to see your beautiful white leather jacket in action….I love it.

  3. Isabela
    2015-03-20 at 16:36

    Happy birthday!
    You look amazing day after day. Wishing you all the best.

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