DRESS: Custom Made, more blue and white dresses Here, Here and Here/ SHOES: Deimille, similar style Here, Here and Here/ BASKET BAG: from Etsy, options Here and Here/ SUNGLASSES: Here/
CAROLINE'S WEARING: Floral set from Etsy Here/
It is a pleasure to return and spend the day at Nemours Estate. This is my second time here and definitely not the last one. We were here last year when Caroline was just 2 months old and wanted to return for more. I can tell you for sure that there is never too much time spent in locations like these and somehow I always discover something new that I missed in my previous visit. A plus (always) are the gardens! A favorite for all, the kids and us. Let's be honest, when everybody is happy it is a win-win situation and a day well spent!
If you haven't visited this mansion yet and you are near, pay a visit, you will not regret it!